THE EAGLES UPSET THE YELLOW JACKETS!! WHAT A HUGE UPSET! This almost completely assures the Eagles of an NCAA tournament birth and they aren't done in the ACC tournament yet!
The Eagles won 7-3 today behind the bat of Mickey Wiswall. 3-4, 2 Home Runs, 5 RBis. Wiswall had a brilliant game today. But the player of the game was relief pitcher Kevin Moran. WOW. He came in right after GT got it to 1 run and shut them down for 3 innings. He only gave up 2 hits and no runs. Spectacular. Definitely of the player of the game.
I'll give my full recap later on today. Right now the Eagles got to root hard for the Hurricanes vs. the Seminoles because if the Seminoles get to 2-0, the Eagles are eliminated. So lets go Canes!
BC-Nebraska preview
2 months ago
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