Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Eagle Links: 5/12

Kevin Challenger got some former BC Eagles to help him run a local football camp in Canada. Good to see that Challenger is doing good things with his life after BC.

EagleAction.com has a nice little article called the Eagle Draft where they picked the top 15 most important players on the BC football team.

This West Virginian writer thinks the BC move to the ACC hasn't worked and that BC should move back to the Big East. Boy is he wrong.

One EagleAction reader BCMike, the creator of the Spaz Mobile has decided to put together another nice little photoshop.

Boy would that be nice, our own little bowl that we could go to and watch without having to pay a thousand bucks just to get there! Nice work BCMike!


ESPN College Football Standings


ESPN College Football Scoreboard